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12 Simple Steps to Better Sales
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12 Simple Steps to Better Sales
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    If you are a sales representative or business development professional, entrepreneur, solo practitioner, or small business owner, this book can help you to increase your sales by making small tweaks to what you are already doing. It may also remind you of some simple activities that you haven't been doing that can be easily incorporated into your sales process or routine. More specifically, this guide will give you tips on: o How to sell - in general o Building credibility in your industry or market o Lead generation methods that you may need to add to your arsenal o Lead follow up dos and don'ts to keep your leads hot o Saving time by using auto responders o Closing more sales through email marketing Just to name a few Whether you focus on offline or online sales, this guide can help you to increase your sales dramatically AND quickly. The longer you wait, the more sales you are losing...

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