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There Is An Answer
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There Is An Answer
Author:Brownhill D.G. (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    It is a fact that emotional turmoil will disrupt the lives of almost all human beings at some stage of life's journey. Some of the more powerful negative emotions such as persistent depression, anxiety and panic attacks, can be highly debilitating, sometimes for many years. The sufferer will often have no clue as to the source of their particular symptoms, which can be accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. There really is no need to live life in this way for... THERE IS AN ANSWER. Most modern therapies will be focused upon helping the client to feel better. This will rarely result in a permanent resolution. It is much better to ask the question "what is causing this depression", what is really at the root of it? Because all symptoms have a cause, it is logical that this must be emanating from inside the sufferer. We are not born with emotional issues, therefore whatever we react to must be gathered through our life experiences and the emotions that are stored inside all of us as a result of past traumas. This book explains how our symptoms are formulated and how they can be permanently resolved. It is also packed full of actual case histories, covering a multitude of emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, fear of flying, anger issues, blushing, jealousy and gambling, all of which, along with hundreds of other cases, where successfully resolved. There Is An Answer is an enlightening, interesting and sometimes fascinating journey to discover the true cause of our emotional insecurities.

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