Don't know where to begin after a devastating loss?Your life is in pieces and you don't know how to rebuild? You fear rather than trust Life?You believe Life is against rather than for you? Looking for inspiration to jump start your own Life?Curious about coincidences and what they really mean?If you answer "yes!" to any of the above, then this is exactly the book for you. It is an account of an incredible set of coincidences that Suzanne realized concealed a series of messages designed to help transform her life after a sudden, very tragic loss. The common thread running through all of them is the Butterfly! The spiritual journey Suzanne embarks upon to unravel the meaning of the Butterfly Message is destined to amaze, inform, uplift and inspire you. It's no coincidence you're reading this for now it's your turn and time to share in the Butterfly Message and discover what it has to offer you!