Roald Dahl Starts right here. This book is your ultimate resource for Roald Dahl. Here you will find the most up-to-date 222 Success Facts, Information, and much more.In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about Roald Dahl's Early life, Career and Personal life right away. A quick look inside: The Roald Dahl Treasury, Michael Ramsey - Career, James and the Giant Peach, Rejected a knighthood, Brian Sibley - Career, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The Ride, Harold Jack Bloom, Danny, the Champion of the World (film), Progress Theatre - Past productions, Ophelia Dahl, British literature - Literature for children and young adults, Allison Abbate, Roald Amundsen - Legacy, Tim Burton - Early life, Lyric Hammersmith - Production history, You Only Live Twice (film), Boy (book) - Dahl's ancestry, Lucy Dahl, Richard Curtis - Film career, Rik Mayall - Becoming a household name, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (video games), Gremlin - Film by Disney, Fox hunting - In popular culture, Fantasy film - 1960s, Noah Baumbach - Career, Autobiographical novel - Notable autobiographical novels, The Honeys (play), The Candy Man, British Security Coordination - Notable employees, List of works published posthumously - Literature, The Gremlins - Popular culture, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory video games - Reception, The Minpins, The BFG - Planned future film, Falling Hare - Production, British Children's Book of the Year - British Children's Author of the Year, Wes Anderson - Film career, Someone Like You (collection), Film-within-a-film - Subsequent layers, Marmaduke Pattle - Memorials, Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Episodes, and much more...