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Mysteries Found in The Blood of Yeshua!
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Mysteries Found in The Blood of Yeshua!
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Today, in the 21st Century, in the year 2013, 1/4 of the real mystery identity of our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) is still not being taught, either in the Messianic Body or in the Church world. Why is this, and what is Yeshua's great hidden mystery identity? Have you ever wondered about the mystery relationship of Miriam (Mary), Yeshua's mother, and her old relative Elisheva (Elizabeth) of Aaron, described in Luke 1:5, 36-56? How were they related? This is revealed in the Old Covenant. God created Lord Yeshua with absolute Perfection from Heaven from His Father, Almighty God. Also Yeshua is the perfect fulfillment of two family lines which God had chosen, coming together in the virgin, Yeshua's mother Miriam. This was clearly prophesied in the Old Covenant Scriptures. The Messiah was to come from the family of king David of the tribe of Judah. But it was also prophesied in the Old Covenant Scriptures that the Messiah would come from the family of Aaron. Jeremiah 33:17,18,24. God also had announced the coming of the Messiah (the Branch) two times to a high priest named Joshua (Yeshua) of the high priest family of Zadok, of the Aaronic priesthood, through His prophet Zechariah. Zechariah 3:1,8 and Zechariah 6:11-13. Why were these important prophesies ignored, and what do they reveal? Lord Yeshua is the perfect fulfillment of two families, the high priest family of Yeshua of Zadok, of Aaron, of the Aaronic priesthood, and also that of king David; all from the Seed of Eve in Genesis 3:15, which God the Holy Spirit overshadowed at the time of the Conception of Yeshua in Miriam's womb. Also, according to the Word of God in Ezekiel 43:18 and Ezekiel 44:15, 16, God had said that He would only honor blood sacrifices done by a priest who was a son of Zadok. Yeshua is a Son of Zadok through His mother Miriam. However, Yeshua was never, and could never have been an Aaronic priest, simple because Yeshua had no earthly father. For the Aaronic priesthood was passed only from father to son. Yeshua's Blood Sacrifice would never have been accepted by God, except for the fact that Yeshua is also a Son of Zadok through His mother Miriam. Yeshua is also a Priest from His Father, Almighty God. He is Priest of God Most High! Yeshua is KING and Great High Priest of Heaven! He fulfilled both the earthly line of Aaronic high priests of Aaron and also the line of kings from king David! This is the great Mystery which is now being revealed contained in the precious and Sinless Blood of our Lord Yeshua! Yeshua's relative Zechariah (Zacharias), Yochanan's (John's) father, was the mystery Zadok high priest of Aaron, as was his son Yochanan. Luke 1 Just how God used the Opening Scene of the New Covenant to reveal this Zadok high priesthood mystery secret is explained in this book. What was the real mystery relationship of Yeshua and Yochanan? All these and many other revelations are discussed in great detail in this book, which Lord Yeshua has had me writing over the last 20 years. Also my next eBook I will be doing will be on the mystery of Yeshua's true Birthday. It will list 14 points of biblical evidence on our Lord, King and Great High Priest Yeshua, showing that He was born on the greatest feast of the LORD, the Feast of Succoth, also know as the Feast of Tabernacles! In the Spring of 1973, I was saved ... at that time Lord Yeshua audibly spoke three Words from John 21:17 deep into my heart, as He planted them deep with His powerful divine Love, words that would change my life forever, "Feed My Sheep!" Nine years later, on Passover weekend in 1982, I was suddenly raised up into Heaven while I was awake, crying out to God for help. I found myself standing about 12 feet away was the King of Heaven. Standing before me, 'the King of Glory', Yeshua! He wore a simple golden crown. He is like the Sun, blazing in its full Glory! He walked over to me ...

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