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Writing Latin
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Writing Latin
Author:Morwood James (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    A completely new guide to writing Latin from scratch, this user-friendly book includes key features such as: broad coverage - all the major grammatical constructions of the Latin language are covered, reinforcing what students have learnt from reading Latin; thorough accessible explanations - no previous experience of writing in Latin assumed; hundreds of examples - clear accurate illustrations of the constructions described, all with full translations; over six hundred practice sentences - graduated exercises leading students through three levels of difficulty from elementary to advanced level;introduction to Latin word order - a brief guide to some of the most important principles; and, longer passages for practising continuous prose composition - more challenging passages to stretch the most able students.It also includes features such as: commentaries on examples of Latin prose style - passages from great Latin prose writers focus attention on imitating real Latin usage; and, complete list of vocabulary - all the words needed for the exercises and a valuable reference for English-Latin work in general.

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