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Power of Right Believing
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Power of Right Believing
Author:Prince Joseph (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    What you believe is everything!Believing the right things is the key to a victorious life. In THE POWER OF RIGHT BELIEVING, Joseph Prince, international bestselling author and a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of grace, unveils seven practical and powerful keys to help you find freedom from every fear, guilt, and addiction. These keys come alive in the precious testimonies you'll read from people across America and around the world who have experienced breakthroughs and freedom from all kinds of bondages-from alcoholism to chronic depression-all through the power of right believing.God intends for you to live with joy overflowing, peace that surpasses understanding, and an unshakable confidence in what He has done for you. Get ready to be inspired and transformed and learn how to win the battle for your mind by developing habits for right believing.

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