The Singapore Perspectives series is a yearly publication that provides critical analysis of emerging trends and issues Singapore faces in terms of social, economic and political development. It is a quick and essential reference for understanding the broad policy discussions that animate thought leaders, policy-makers and the public in the country during the immediate period or that are likely to do so in the short and medium term.In this volume, contributors take an in-depth look at four topics of pertinent interest to Singapore's mid- to long-term future and offer some radical ideas for Singaporeans' consideration. They are: Can Singaporeans Afford a High-Cost Singapore?; Can Singaporeans Remain Rooted?; Can Singapore Preserve Its Hub Status?; Can Government Do Less, and Singaporeans More? Contributors include Member of Parliament Inderjit Singh, playwright and law academic Eleanor Wong and former president of the Law Society of Singapore Philip Jeyaretnam.Co-published by the think-tank, the Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore, this is a useful publication for those with an interest in understanding the governance challenges facing a small, highly globalised economy and nation-state, or those who want a quick feel of the pulse of Singapore.About the ContributorsContents:The Big Picture:Chairman's Opening Address (T Koh)Forging New Paths with Audacity and Vision (P Ong)Can Singaporeans Afford a High-Cost Singapore?:Can Singaporeans Afford a High-Cost Singapore? (K Scully)Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Alternative Approach Needed for Economy (I Singh)Reaching Out to Low-Income Groups in Singapore (L Lien)Can Singaporeans Remain Rooted?:Can Singaporeans Remain Rooted? (N Vasu)Singapore Rootedness: Taking Stock and Moving Forward (E S Tan)The “Problem” of Rootedness: An Emperor's Narrative (E Wong)Can Singapore Preserve Its Hub Status?:Can Singapore Preserve Its Hub Status? (K S Tan)Reinventing Singapore: Global City — From Host to Home (C N Tan)Can Singapore Advance as a Regional Hub? (M Bhaskaran)Can Government Do Less, and Singaporeans Do More?:Can Government Do Less, and Singaporeans Do More? (M Chionh)Where the Government Should Not Step Back (D Soon)Trust and Let Go (P Jeyaretnam)Readership: Readers interested in the emerging trends and issues Singapore faces in terms of social, economic and political development.