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I'll Hold You in Heaven
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I'll Hold You in Heaven
Author:Hayford Jack (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    What happened to my baby after he or she died?Will I ever see my baby again--and will I recognize him?What happens if I've had an abortion?Does God have a reason for letting my child die?How can I help a friend who's experiencing grief?With compassionate answers for your troubling questions, God's Word shines with hope in the dark night of human pain. God showed His tenderness when David lost a child he had with Bathsheba. In his pain and grief, David spoke the word of revelation--the reassuring word of God's truth--saying, "I will go to [my child] but he will not return to me" (2 Samuel 12:19-23).As Pastor Jack Hayford says, "This isn't myth, fable, legend or a selection of poetic thoughts for the sorrowful. This is truth to set us free. Here we are specifically freed to expect to meet children in heaven, to recognize them and to be with them."Let Jack Hayford show you the freeing truth of the Word of God and its promise that one day, like David, you will hold your child in heaven.

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