This volume is the fifth in a series of proceedings which started in 1999. The contributions include the latest results on the theory of wave propagation, extended thermodynamics, and the stability of the solutions to partial differential equations.Contents:Quantitative Estimates for the Large Time Behavior of a Reaction-Diffusion Equation with Rational Reaction Term (M Bisi et al.)Linearized Euler's Variational Equations in Lagrangian Coordinates (G Boillat & Y J Peng)Restabilizing Forcing for a Diffusive Prey-Predator Model (B Buonomo & S Rionero)Fluid Dynamical Features of the Weak KAM Theory (F Cardin)Ricci Flow Deformation of Cosmological Initial Data Sets (M Carfora & T Buchert)Fuchsian Partial Differential Equations (Y Choquet-Bruhat)Analytic Structure of the Four-Wave Mixing Model in Photoreactive Material (R Conte & S Bugaychuk)A Note about Waves in Dissipative and Dispersive Solids (M Destrade & G Saccomandi)Exponential and Algebraic Relaxation in Kinetic Models for Wealth Distribution (B Düring et al.)Solitary Waves in Dispersive Materials (J Engelbrecht et al.)A Ginzburg–Landau Model for the Ice-Water and Liquid-Vapor Phase Transitions (M Fabrizio)Stability Considerations for Reaction-Diffusion Systems (J N Flavin)A Mechanical Model for Liquid Nanolayers (H Gouin)A Particle Method for a Lotka-Volterra System with Nonlinear Cross and Self-Diffusion (M Groppi & M Sammartino)Transport Properties of Chemically Reacting Gas Mixtures (G M Kremer)Navier-Stokes in Aperture Domains: Existence with Bounded Flux and Qualitative Properties (P Maremonti)On Two-Pulse Interaction in a Class of Model Elastic Materials (A Mentrelli et al.)On a Particle-Size Segregation Equation (C Mineo & M Torrisi)Problems of Stability and Waves in Biological Systems (G Mulone)Multiple Cold and Hot Second Sound Shocks in HE II (A Muracchini & L Seccia)Differential Equations and Lie Symmetries (F Oliveri et al.)Bifurcation Analysis of Equilibria in Competitive Logistic Networks with Adaptation (A Raimondi & C Tebaldi)Poiseuille Flow of a Fluid Overlying a Porous Media (B Straughan)Analysis of Heat Conduction Phenomena in a One-Dimensional Hard-Point Gas by Extended Thermodynamics (S Tanigushi et al.)On Waves in Weakly Nonlinear Poroelastic Materials Modeling Impacts of Meteorites (K Wilmanski et al.)and other papersReadership: Researchers in mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering.