This book surveys analytical and numerical techniques appropriate to the description of fluid motion with an emphasis on the most widely used techniques exhibiting the best performance.Analytical and numerical solutions to hyperbolic systems of wave equations are the primary focus of the book. In addition, many interesting wave phenomena in fluids are considered using examples such as acoustic waves, the emission of air pollutants, magnetohydrodynamic waves in the solar corona, solar wind interaction with the planet venus, and ion-acoustic solitons.Contents:Mathematical Description of FluidsLinear WavesModel Equations for Weakly Nonlinear WavesAnalytical Methods for Solving the Classical Model Wave EquationsNumerical Methods for a Scalar Hyperbolic EquationsReview of Numerical Methods for Model Wave EquationsNumerical Schemes for a System of One-Dimensional Hyperbolic EquationsA Hyperbolic System of Two-Dimensional EquationsNumerical Methods for the MHD EquationsNumerical ExperimentsReadership: Researchers in applied and pure mathematics as well as computational and mathematical physics.Key Features:Written by a well-known author and theoretical physicist, who has authored 12 other scientific booksDemonstrates a unified field theory applied to cosmology, based on Einstein's original concept of a totally non-singular continuum field theoryThe theory does not entail the concepts of quantum theory and the “standard model”, as most present day approaches to cosmology do