This book deals with the systems of cost reduction that originated in Japan. These are mostly new systems that did not exist in western practices before they were utilized in Japan. The book also presents the Japanese ways of carrying out the globally popular cost reduction practices.(1) It describes the strategic cost management conducted by top management through alliances between companies and/or between government and industry.(2) It shows the functional cost reduction systems along the various phases of the product life cycle, as follows: R&D → Product development → Manufacturing → Administration and indirect operations(3) It conducts some humanistic or behavioral aspects of Japanese cost reduction systems.Contents: Strategic Cost ManagementCost Management in R&DCost Management in New Product DevelopmentCost Management of Manufacturing ActivitiesCost Management in Administrative and Factory Indirect DepartmentsCost Management from Marketing StrategyHuman Factors in Cost ManagementCost Management in Budgetary Control SystemReadership: Business practitioners, as well as academics and students in management.