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Paths to Transcendence
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Paths to Transcendence
Author:Shah-Kazemi Reza (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    This groundbreaking book is the first to compare and illuminate the doctrine of the Transcendent Absolute, and its implications both conceptually and experientially, in the spiritual perspectives of three towering figures in the history of world religions. Shankara, Ibn 'Arabi, and Meister Eckhart represent the metaphysical and mystical summits of Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. By focusing on the theme of transcendence, often neglected in studies of religion and comparative mysticism, this work takes the reader to the heart of Religion as such, ultimately illuminating the unity of spiritual vision and experience which underlies all religious forms. In our day when there is much strife between several religious factions, the teachings of these great masters-illustrated through rigorous analysis of key primary texts-point to a path of true ecumenical understanding.

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