In less than 300 pages, we are given a magnificent overview of this potentially most mysterious of Bible books. The book has three great strengths.First, it is well written and accessible to the 'ordinary' reader... each chapter is illustrated by some telling analogy or story that introduces the section under consideration - a gold mine for preachers looking for fresh windows on the Word.Secondly, it is warmly written, with the needs of real people clearly in view... with evangelistic and pastoral application being to the fore. Too many commentaries can feel like theology on ice; here it is often on fire.Thirdly, it is winsomely written. Inevitably, we will not agree with all the author's interpretative conclusions. However, even when dealing with topics such as the highly debated 'millennium', he handles the material sensitively and other opinions graciously. Nevertheless, he does not pull his punches when addressing the Church in the world or the world and its ideologies sometimes found in the Church.Finally, The Final Word confronts us repeatedly with God's final word, not only Scripture itself but the Word himself, Jesus Christ our Lord. Highly recommended.Steve Brady, Principal of Moorlands College, Christchurch, and a trustee of the Keswick Convention