This book is derived from the findings of an EU-funded project. The objective ofthe project was to develop conductive plastic composites that are eco-friendly,cost effective and of high added value. This was achieved through an ambitiousmultidisciplinary approach developing new, radically innovative, knowledge-basedand sustainable products for protection against the effects of electromagneticinterference (EMI) and electrostatic discharge (ESD).Research was based on the compounding of engineering polymers and inherentlyconductive polymers (ICP) with improved conductivity, or hybrid systems of ICPwith conductive nanotubes and other fibrous conductors. Innovative processingtechnologies specifically tailored to the new materials were also developed. theproject aimed to dramatically extend the current performance and processabilityof ICP and alternative materials to enable significant replacement of metals in EMIshielding and ESD protection applications.This book will benefit plastics converters who wish to take full advantage of thepotential of conductive plastic materials.