The book covers the recent new advances in software engineering and knowledge engineering. It is intended as a supplement to the two-volume handbook of software engineering and knowledge engineering. The editor and authors are well-known international experts in their respective fields of expertise. Each chapter in the book is entirely self-contained and gives in-depth information on a specific topic of current interest. This book will be a useful desktop companion for both practitioners and students of software engineering and knowledge engineering.Contents:Analysis Styles for Requirements Engineering: An Organizational Perspective (M Kolp et al.)Attacks and Countermeasures in Software System Security (L Ma & J J P Tsai)Autonomous Software (M Rovatsos & G Weiss)Capability Maturity for Software Development (A T Berztiss)Coexistence of Object-Oriented Modeling and Architectural Description (T Khammaci et al.)Introspecting Agent-Oriented Design Patterns (M Kolp et al.)Knowledge-Based Inconsistency Detection in UML Models (E Nantajeewarawat & V Wuwongse)MDA-Based Ontological Engineering (D Djuric et al.)Migrating Legacy Systems Towards Multi-Layered Web-Based Architectures (T Bodhuin et al.)Petri Nets: A Tutorial (A T Berztiss)Program Slicing (J Krinke)Simulation-Based Software Process Modeling and Evaluation (O Armbrust et al.)Software Release Planning (G Ruhe)Software Traceability: A Roadmap (G Spanoudakis & A Zisman)System Dynamics and Goal-Oriented Measurement: A Hybrid Approach (D Pfahl & G Ruhe)Time and Knowledge Management in E-Learning (S-K Chang)Tool-Based Software Project Control (J Münch & J Heidrich)Readership: Practitioners, researchers, academics and students in software engineering and knowledge engineering, software engineers, knowledge engineers and project managers.