Alan Deardorff was 65 years old on June 6, 2009. To celebrate this occasion, a Festschrift in his honor was held on October 2–3, 2009, in the Rackham Amphitheater at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. The Festschrift was entitled “Comparative Advantage, Economic Growth, and the Gains from Trade and Globalization: A Festschrift in Honor of Alan V Deardorff.” It was co-organized by two of Professor Deardorff's former students, Drusilla Brown of Tufts University and Robert Staiger of Stanford University, together with Robert Stern representing the University of Michigan. The first day of the Festschrift involved a series of panels in which invited participants reflected on Professor Deardorff's contributions, including his writings on: comparative advantage; trade and growth; the gains from trade and globalization; and computational modeling and trade policy analysis. The panel participants prepared written comments, setting out their evaluation of Professor Deardorff's contributions combined with their own thoughts on the current state of knowledge and analysis of the particular topic. At the end of the first day, Paul Krugman of Princeton University and The New York Times delivered a Citigroup Foundation Special Lecture entitled “Reflections on Globalization: Yesteryear and Today.” All of these papers and Krugman's lecture are contained in the volume.In order to provide further perspective on the foregoing topics, each section of the volume includes reprints of a number of Professor Deardorff's most important papers that underlie the reflections on his work by the following Festschrift panelists whose original works are presented in this volume:-->James E Anderson, Boston College and NBERRobert E Baldwin, University of WisconsinAvinash Dixit, Princeton UniversityWilfred J Ethier, University of Pennsylvania and Tbilisi State UniversityGene M Grossman, Princeton UniversityThomas W Hertel, Purdue UniversityRonald W Jones, University of RochesterAnne O Krueger, Johns Hopkins SAIS and Stanford Center for International DevelopmentPaul Krugman, Princeton University and The New York TimesJames R Markusen, University of Colorado and University College, DublinWill Martin, The World BankJ Peter Neary, University of Oxford and CEPRArvind Panagariya, Columbia UniversityT N Srinivasan, Yale UniversityRobert M Stern, University of MichiganJohn Sweetland, The Winsford CorporationContents:Special Lectures:Remarks: Deardorff Festschrift (John Sweetland)Citigroup Foundation Special Lecture (Paul Krugman)Comparative Advantage in a Changing Global Economy:Alan Deardorff on Comparative Advantage (James E Anderson)Comparative Advantage in a Changing Global Economy (Avinash Dixit)Comparative Advantage Meets Alan Deardorff (Wilfred J Ethier)In Defense of Cones (Ronald W Jones)Increasing Returns in a Comparative Advantage World (Paul Krugman)Heckscher, Ohlin, and Deardorff (J Peter Neary)Weak Links in the Chain of Comparative Advantage (Alan V Deardorff)The General Validity of the Law of Comparative Advantage (Alan V Deardorff)The General Validity of the Heckscher–Ohlin Theorem (Alan V Deardorff)Comparative Advantage and International Trade and Investment in Services (Alan V Deardorff)FIRless FIRwoes: How Preferences Can Interfere with the Theorems of International Trade (Alan V Deardorff)International Trade with Lumpy Countries (Paul N Courant and Alan V Deardorff)The Possibility of Factor Price Equalization, Revisited (Alan V Deardorff)Fragmentation in Simple Trade Models (Alan V Deardorff)How Robust is Comparative Advantage? (Alan V Deardorff)International Trade and Economic Growth:Alan Deardorff's Contributions on Trade and Growth (Gene M Grossman)Alan Deardorff Festschrift Remarks (Anne O Krueger)International Trade and Economic Growth (T N Srinivasan)The Gains from Trade In and Out of Steady-State Growth (Alan V Deardorff)A Geometry of Growth and Trade (Alan V Deardorff)Growth and International Investment with Diverging Populations (Alan V Deardorff)Determinants of Bilateral Trade: Does Gravity Work in a Neoclassical World? (Alan V Deardorff)Rich and Poor Countries in Neoclassical Trade and Growth (Alan V Deardorff)The Gains from Trade and Globalization:Comments on Alan Deardorff's Contributions on the Subject of the Gains from Trade and Globalization (Robert E Baldwin)On Some Aspects of Globalization (Arvind Panagariya)Welfare Effects of Global Patent Protection (Alan V Deardorff)Trade and Welfare Implications of Networks (Alan V Deardorff)What Might Globalisation's Critics Believe? (Alan V Deardorff)Globalization's Bystanders: Does Trade Liberalization Hurt Countries that Do Not Participate? (Robert M Stern and Alan V Deardorff)Who Makes the Rules of Globalization? Corporate Influence in Global and Regional Trade Agreements (Alan V Deardorff)Computational Modeling and Trade Policy Analysis:Alan Deardorff's Contributions to Computational Analysis of International Trade (Thomas W Hertel)The Third Way: Applied General-Equilibrium Modeling as a Complement to Analytical Theory and Econometrics (James R Markusen)Computational Modeling and Trade Policy Analysis: Some Key Contributions of Alan Deardorff (Will Martin)The Michigan Model of World Production and Trade (Alan V Deardorff and Robert M Stern)The Effects of the Tokyo Round on the Structure of Protection (Alan V Deardorff and Robert M Stern)An Interpretation of the Factor Content of Trade (Alan V Deardorff and Robert W Staiger)The Effects of Protection on the Factor Content of Japanese and American Foreign Trade (Robert W Staiger, Alan V Deardorff, and Robert M Stern)A North American Free Trade Agreement: Analytical Issues and a Computational Assessment (Drusilla K Brown, Alan V Deardorff, and Robert M Stern)Protection and Real Wages: Old and New Trade Theories and their Empirical Counterparts (Drusilla K Brown, Alan V Deardorff, and Robert M Stern)The Liberalization of Services Trade: Potential Impacts in the Aftermath of the Uruguay Round (Drusilla K Brown, Alan V Deardorff, Alan K Fox, and Robert M Stern)Methods of Measurement of Nontariff Barriers (Alan V Deardorff and Robert M Stern)Readership: Academic trade specialists as well as graduate and undergraduate students studying international trade theory and policy.