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Living with Globalization
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Living with Globalization
Author:Hopper Paul (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The term 'globalization' generally refers to the homogenization of cultures across the world due to Western encroachment. However, as this book explains, the process is far more subtle, complex and uneven. Taking as its starting point the fundamental question of whether globalization exists, Living with Globalization provides a lively discussion of one of the most used and abused concepts in the twenty-first century. If globalization is a valid construct, it manifests itself in lived experience, not in abstract theories. Examining the ways in which globalization is contributing to patterns of conflict, Living with Globalization explores a variety of case studies, ranging from 9/11 to identity formation. The book reveals the complex ramifications of globalization on society, government and everyday lives.

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