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Sixty Minute Grandparent
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Sixty Minute Grandparent
Author:Parsons Rob (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    'If you have children, buy this book for your parents now. If you are a grandparent, don't go near your grandchildren until you have read it!' Rosemary ConleyThere are many different kinds of grandparents - tired-out or over-eager, super-involved or unsure how to help, unwilling or ever-ready. In this simple book Rob Parsons will help you reach the common aspiration: to be the best grandparent that you can possibly be.- The baby stage: helping out without interfering - How to help your own children find their way as parents- Loving your grandchildren without spoiling them- When to intervene, and when to keep out of it- Finding your place within a blended family- Becoming invaluable (rather than insufferable) to your daughter-in-law

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