Tim Dobson is a space command inactive reserve Lieutenant Commander aboard an unarmed Outpost supply ship in route to outpost D1196. He was hired by Outpost Enterprises as a civilian with duties as the supply deck supervisor. While on active Military duty he is an Astrogator. He signed on this ship, one of the last that have a civilian/military crew so he could be with his love, Lieutenant Mary Hatcher the active duty communications officer. It was either sign on as a civilian or to wait for her return to Selene City on the Moon to continue their life togather. Captain James Stewart (Named after some 20th centry movie actor) has ordered a scout ship to overfly the outpost due to a pre docking communique not being answered. The scout ship is destroyed by a Trigon destroyer which then chases the supply ship. Tim is pressed into active duty as the ships Astrogator. During the pursuit of the supply ship he suggests they hide around a large asteroid. The Trigon destroyer eventually discovers them and damages the ship with a laser blast. The Trigon ship is destroyed by a Space Command light cruiser arriving in answer to their SOS. Tim, the Captain and Lieutenant Hatcher are transfered from the damaged supply ship to the cruiser which becomes a ship of the line in a large task force commanded by Captain Stewart with orders to proceed to the planet Trigon in hopes of establishing peaceful communications, if possible.