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Please Don't Just Do What I Tell You
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Please Don't Just Do What I Tell You
Author:Nelson Bob (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    'Simple, smart and savvy - this book shows employees how to reach for the sky and use initiative they never knew was there.' Dr Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. From Bob Nelson, the author of the million copy selling 1001 Ways series, Don't Just Do What I Tell You, Do What Needs to be Done is about fast tracking or getting ahead by fulfilling an employer's ultimate expectation - that you'll figure out what needs to be done and take the initiative to do it. With direct advice and fascinating anecdotes about people who have taken initiative and been rewarded. The book is short, easy-to-read and inspiring and includes advice on how to: --suggest ways to save money--turn problems into opportunities --collect your own data, develop alternatives, and build support for your ideas --be a person that makes things happen--avoid the 'blame game' --persist when obstacles arise

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