Welcome to Stargirl Academy, the magical school in the clouds! Previously a rather old-fashioned establishment, it has been reopened by its head teacher to train children to be modern day fairy godmothers. Fairy Mary McBee selects a group of girls: Lily, Ava, Madison, Sophie, Emma, Olivia - and Melody and Jackson who think they're better than everyone else. The girls learn lots of spells - shimmering, starry, shining, sparkling, glittering and twinkling ones - which they use to fix problems and help people in trouble. For every successful mission they gain a star, and once they have six stars they will be fully qualified stargirls! Ava leads the first mission and decides they should teach Lily's horrible great aunt a lesson. With a new spell the girls convince Great Aunt Acidity that supernatural forces are angry with her: floating crockery and a message written by a teapot make her change her ways. It's a triumph - they've earned their first star!