'Plip-plop whoosh ... well, oh well, brolly, brolly, broosh!'You might have noticed that when it rains really hard there are puddles all over the place, puddles you can jump right into and splash about in!But umbrellas also enjoy the rain. One day, an umbrella gets left behind in the house on a rainy day, which for an umbrella isn't very pleasant! But soon it meets with an adventurous raindrop in search of a friend. Discover how the umbrella opens itself up, shakes itself about and strikes up an unlikely friendship. 'Watching Raindrops' is part of the 'Brighter Little Minds' series, which uses stories towards bringing about positive psychological changes in children and young people. The story of 'Watching Raindrops' addresses such issues as feeling left out, not being chosen, developing empathy, making friends, having fun, lack of self esteem, being fostered or adopted, accepting diversity and much more.