When the Captain of a World War II submarine is fished out of theBermuda triangle in the year 2025 halting the testing of the planet'smost destructive weaponry to date, Cosmic Energy the President of theFederated States is called in. To complicate the situation the SubCaptain, Captain Corbin is discovered to have transformed his DNA intothat of an amphibian When Corbin is ordered to explain he begins telling his story, astory of love, adventure and tragedy, a story that in the telling ofit heals something deep within him. Corbin recounts the eventssurrounding World War II and how he pulled out of Pearl Harbor a fewdays before it was bombed. He tells how his sub sank off of theMarshall Islands and plummeted into an underwater Cavern leading themto an ancient underwater world called MerWorld. This was a world once filled with the wisdom of MerWomen whomoved in harmony with the current of Mother Ocean and worshiped theGreat Whale Mother. The Whale Women processed many intuitive powersand had at one time ruled the seas but dissention within caused themto be exiled to the Abyss by the members of the Shark Quam a tribe ofMerWarriors who worshiped the Great White Shark. This brotherhood forbad any MerWomen to practice her intuitivearts and forbad the teachings of the Sacred Whale Mother. Theyintimidated the other Quams, the dolphin and the turtle into leavingbehind their playful and studious ways and ruled with brute force. Corbin arrives at the moment Serena, Queen of MerWorld is about tobe mated with Jaween the chief MerWarrior. Corbin is immediatelyembraced by the MerPeople as their Kilahara or the chosen one for whomthey have been waiting and Serena has been praying. Corbin and Serenafall deeply in love despite their vast differences and as Serena'slove grows so do her psyche abilities. At last she discovers that hermother whom she thought dead is a spiritual leader among the whalewomen and lives in the Abyss. Her mother summons her for her whalewoman initiation and training. Serena learns the secrets of the deep, how to move in harmonywith Mother Ocean and her own life current. She embarks on her spiritquest to the sacred city of bubbles where she meets the last of theGreat Ocean Keepers Shaman a blue whale. Corbin tells of his attempts to save this beautiful culture from theever-encroaching Lander world. He tells of the MerPeople championinghim as the Kilahara the one who would save them and their Queen fromthe outer and inner forces that sought to destroy them. Captain Corbin's fate is sealed when he passes the initiation ofthe Brotherhood of the Shark and kills a great white but when Serenareturns from her sacred journey she finds her people dying from astrange sickness. She and Corbin try to save the MerPeople but learnthey are dying from radiation sickness from atomic bombs beingdetonated in their home waters. Corbin and Serena go to Washington to meet with the President tourge him to stop the atomic bomb testing but are sabotaged by Corbin'sbitter son and father-in-law who follow Corbin and Serena back toMerWorld to annihilate the MerPeople. Corbin finds himself caught upin the mass exodus of the MerPeople as they flee for their lives fromMerWorld and into the Abyss, through the Portal of Time returning totheir Home world in another Universe. But Corbin and Serena are left in the wake and Corbin does notmake it. He finds himself transformed by Serena's Kiss of Life butalone, ironically in the future trying to convince the President andthe military once again to stop their destructive weaponry or theywill surely destroy themselves.