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Sons & Lovers
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Sons & Lovers
Author:Lawrence DH (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    DH Lawrence's Sons and Lovers is a must-read classic that deals with family relations in a typical Freudian fashion. In fact, the book tells the story of the very strong attachment of two sons, William and Paul Morel, to their mother. As the boys grow older and start dating women, they both find difficulties to establish serious and lasting love relationships with their partners. They are never satisfied with the girls' personalities and often complain about their superficiality and ostensible nature while their affairs never reach beyond passion and mere physical gratification. Being often considered as an autobiographical novel in which Lawrence explores aspects of his own personal life, the narrative presents the boys' mother as their ultimate example of the perfect woman, an example that cannot be attained by the women they happen to meet. After William's sudden death, the mother's hold on Paul is further reinforced. She is now jealous of her second son's mistress and engages in a campaign to separate them. As expected, the son never succeeds in disentangling himself from his mother's apron strings. After the mother's death, the end of the novel depicts a lost and lonely Paul with no hopes or aspirations.

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