"Columbus"tells that Italian navigator Columbus (about 1451 through 1506), once living in Portugal and Spain. spent his whole life on navigating activities. He believed in the Round-earth theory and thought that starting from Europe and sailing all the way west, it could finally arrive East. He suggested to the King of Portugal to explore a seaway to the East, but his suggestion was not adopted. After several attempts, eventually he was supported by the Queen Isabella of Spain in 1485. During the year of 1492 to 1504, he led his fleets sailing West for 4 times and successfully crossed the Atlantic ocean. He started the seaway from Europe to American, which made him become the first European who arrived Western hemisphere by seaway. On West Indies, he founded the colonies, discovered the gold mines and pillaged Indians. He wrongly thought the place he arrived was India and called the local people as "Indian". His 4-time sailings proved that the Round-earth theory was correct, promoted the relationship between the Europe mainland and America new continent and laid the foundation for Europeans to occupy and develop Western hemisphere.