Keep a Close Eye on the DetailsA variation between two similar cars, whether it's a different color enamel, a different wheel, interior, base, or window can mean the difference between a car worth $1 and one worth $100. Covering 1989-2008, Hot Wheels Variations - The Ultimate Guide, 4th Edition is the largest and most comprehensive identification and price guide to variations with more than 5,500 cars listed. Collector-friendly features include:Cars listed chronologically in release order from 1989-2002 and numerically from 2003-20083,100 identification photos arranged in numerical order, making it easy to identify vehicles whether loose or in a packHandy checklist making it easy for you to keep track of your growing collectionDon't guess - know for sure! With Hot Wheels Variations - The Ultimate Guide, learn to spot the important differences and add value to your personal collection. Let the search begin!