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For the Love of Baking
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For the Love of Baking
Author:Dall Sarah (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    For the Love of Baking is food stylist extraordinaire Sarah Dall's debut offering. Never one to merely follow, she always looks for a fresh angle, so instead of red velvet cupcakes, she'll make red velvet macaroons. The book covers a wide variety of baking recipes and has everything from cakes, cupcakes and desserts to biscuits, tray bakes and even a whole chapter devoted to those recipes that children love, for instance good old crunchies. Sarah also takes usually daunting recipes such as macaroons and not only makes the method easy to follow, but also provides a new take on it like using macaroons in a festive wreath for a memorable Christmas affair! For the Love of Baking is a beautiful book that will not only warm the hearts and tummies of your family but will also make an avid baker out of anyone.

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