You will never again think of crows the same after reading Mike Robson's story about saving Lucky. With his nest knocked from the branches high up in a eucalyptus tree, it would be impossible for a recently hatched blind and featherless chick to be reunited with his Mike took him into his. The Robson's nourished Lucky's body and spirit, but it was his will to live and infallible instincts that really made the difference in his survival. Lucky rewarded the Robson family with the chance to see every detail in the development of a young crow. In the process, Lucky reveals his wonderful character and some surprising insights into the intelligence of crows and their social behavior. Who knew rescuing a crow would result in such an extraordinary adventure? Mike Robson's telling of his family's journey with Lucky is heartwarming, informative and at times humorous. Don't miss this opportunity to look into the mind of the crow!