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Bedroom is on the Outside
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Bedroom is on the Outside
Author:IvanB (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Thomas is an east going kind of guy with no pressing ambitions and a run-of-the-mill job, then one evening, while out drinking with friends, everything changes. Change not through some sort of epiphany or psychological reorientation, but because he walked into a toilet and while there was asked to pass on a simple message. However, the ownership of that message thrust his life onto a different course; one full of deceit and danger where the only way to survive is by training and wits; that is unless you are lucky and Thomas' only real attribute is that he is lucky, very very lucky. Even so luck is not everything and his survival begins to rest with a group of new found colleagues, but like the message they are not all they seem so life takes on a different meaning.

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