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Entering successfull the Indian market: Recommendations and challenges for German small and medium-sized companies
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Entering successfull the Indian market: Recommendations and challenges for German small and medium-sized companies
Author:Bednarek Diana (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The objective of this study is to identify, to analyse, and to evaluate the market entry barriers for German small and medium-sized companies in India. Moreover, this study provides recommendations in order to minimize or overcome those barriers. Existing studies are discussing the market entry of big companies such as of Siemens AG and Robert Bosch GmbH in India, but issues of small and medium-sized companies are neglected. This academic void is closed by this study with the help of the implementation of questionnaires and interviews. Based on these primary sources, market entry barriers for German small and medium-sized companies in India are identified as well as analysed, and recommendations to reduce or even overcome them are presented.

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