Литмир - Электронная Библиотека
Eating With The Angels
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Lonely Planet Catalonia
Автор: Lonely Planet (EN)
Inesperadamente en Orion Lake
Автор: Bonardi Luca (EN)
Strawberry Fields Forever
Eating With The Angels
Author:Lynch Sarah-Kate (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    A mouth-watering novel about love, food, heartbreak . . . and Venice.Eating means everything to Connie Farrell, she's a restaurant critic after all, so when her husband Tom fails to turn up on their second honeymoon in fairytale Venice she's rattled but she doesn't exactly lose her appetite. Quite the opposite, you could say. Handsome gondolier Marco awakes a hunger in her and sates it with all manner of mouth-watering delicacies, including himself. But Connie also has a hankering for something with a bit more zest, something muscled and tanned with silver hair and an honest heart going by the name of Luca. All second honeymoons should be so sweet! Back home in New York, however, there's more than amore on Connie's plate and none of it to her taste. Her husband is gone, her lover is a stranger, her mother is disappointed. Connie has lost sight of the simple things in life but can the cruellest of blows bring them back? Or is it too late?

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