Part I: There has been an increasing urge to renew this message, and not a small factor in this urge has been the very definite movement, observable all over the world, toward a reconsideration of the whole testimony of the Church. There is a deep and growing dissatisfaction and disappointment with the spiritual state and impact of the Church. The rumblings of this are heard everywhere, and many conferences are being held and books written in relation to this matter. There is a strong feeling in many quarters that God must act again and do "a new thing." The tremendous emphasis upon "Revival" is only one aspect of this. Part II is the substance of a more recent conference on ministry and concerns the inner spiritual life which is the nature and object of all God's reactions. The book is intended to be, neither critical nor censorious, but, if at all possible, a contribution to the "building up of the body of Christ, till we all attain unto... the measure of... the fullness of Christ."