Set against the tragic war sparked by Hernando de Sotos brutal invasion of the American South, A Searing Wind brings to an electrifying climax the intense historical action in the series hailed as exciting, skillfully crafted, and fast-paced (Publishers Weekly).Set against the tragic war sparked by Hernando de Sotos brutal invasion of the American South, A Searing Wind brings to an electrifying climax all the intense historical action and authenticity of W. Michael and Kathleen ONeal Gears magnificent (Douglas Preston) and powerful (Kirkus Reviews) bestselling series. Once exiled by the Chicaza for cowardice in battle, Black Shell nevertheless dedicates his soul to stemming the onslaught of the Kristiano invaders and protecting his people. He and his beautiful wife, Pearl Hand, have fought the enemy from the Florida peninsula through the very heart of native America. They have seen the shackled slaves, heard the broken promisesand they have learned of de Sotos plans to target the Chicaza. Obsessed with setting the perfect trap, Black Shell gambles everything to preserve his peoples fragile existence their pride, traditions, even their winter stockpiles of food and supplies. But the stakes are raised to their greatest heights when he and Pearl Hand must walk boldly into de Sotos camp and engage the cunning monster in a desperate game of wits in order to decide the fate of a continent.