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Become a Freelance Writer
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Become a Freelance Writer
Author:Oku Rachael (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Become a Freelance Writer is a complete guide to the business of writing. Freelance editorial consultant, Rachael Oku, sheds light on the skills and attributes needed to become an in-demand freelancer. Offering a realistic outlook on getting ahead, Become a Freelance Writer provides a wealth of useful information and tips on how to build a successful brand while avoiding common pitfalls. Covering everything from budgeting and prioritising to pitching and reputation management, Become a Freelance Writer also explores the benefits of social media, email marketing and analytics software - advising how writers can leverage such tools to build an expansive audience and client base. Become a Freelance Writer is a must-read for any writer serious about taking their potential to the next level. With a no-nonsense approach that gets straight to the point, this book is written with the infamous George Orwell quote in mind: "If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out."

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