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Three-Year Itch (Mills & Boon Cherish)
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Three-Year Itch (Mills & Boon Cherish)
Author:Fielding Liz (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Being snowbound with your husband...Career girl Abbie had thought her marriage to devilishly sexy Grey Lockwood a blissfully happy one, but three years in and the cracks are starting to show. Surely a baby is the glue to hold this marriage together? Grey doesn't think so! And with trust shaken, and hurt on both sides, they go their separate ways.Is one way to heal a marriage!But those around them know they are meant to be, so conspire to reunite them. And there is nothing like being snowbound in an idyllic cottage to cool tempers, force a truce but also to raise temperatures as they try to keep warm...

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