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Damion Chill
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Damion Chill
Author:Miles Brett (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    In 1967 Barbara Shure fell in love with the only black guy in her high school and even though they spent only two days together she felt he was her soulmate. They were seperated for twenty years but she still feels psychically and emotionally connected to him. What if that same man was badder than Rambo, Bourne and Jack Bauer all put together. Imagine if the government drugged him to do some covert evil job for them not realizing he already was on drugs and totally pissed off. This is the story of the most deadly motherfucker in the world. His name is Damion Christopher and oh, one other thing, there are cannibals!!!

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