The finale of "Bat's memories" serialized by Jun Cai! What was the exact truth in that year? The finale of "sister's cemetery" serialized by Ximin Li, what makes sister's life in such an indelible shadow..."sushi" and "African cate" written by Japanese "cate" writer Cun Shang Long, "private food" written by the owner of "one-fourteenth" series Ning Hang, the book will reveal that all the Japanese cooking are actually hallucinogens......Ruoxu Wang's column "Are the protagonists dead?", which shocked all the people who neglected the subtext of detective fiction......"You are my eyes" (on) and a candy "holes" written by Chinese suspense fiction best-selling author Qin Zhuang, will lead you to taste the sense of twisty nature behind love......More like "human door", "reunion" and other wonderful novels......Food has the same power as evil to make people fallen......