This invaluable volume set of Advances in Geosciences continues the excellent tradition of the Asia-Oceania scientific community in providing the most up-to-date research results on a wide range of geosciences and environmental science. The information is vital to the understanding of the effects of climate change, extreme weathers on the most populated regions and fastest moving economies in the world. Besides, these volumes also highlight original papers from many prestigious research institutions which are conducting cutting edge studies in atmospheric physics, hydrological science and water resource, ocean science and coastal study, planetary exploration and solar system science, seismology, tsunamis, upper atmospheric physics and space science. Sample Chapter(s)Chapter 1: Application of the Coupling Technology of Hydrometeorology for Flood Warning and Forecasting in Floodseason (1,011k)Contents: Characteristics of Floods in the Vembanad Wetlands and Possible Measures for Flood Management in the Region (R Gopakumar)Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model with Kalman Filter for Parameter and Outflow Updating (Jiandong Liu, Chi Dung Doan and Shie-Yui Liong)Impact of Geomorphological and Geochemical Characteristics of the Deccan Trap Basalts on the Water Quality of Wells in the Catchment of Ujjani Dam, District Pune, India (U D Kulkarni, Y M Nandurkar and R R Sangpal)Impact of Distillery Spent Wash Irrigation on Yield of Crops and Irrigated Agricultural Soil (Ramanand N Jadhav, Dhananjay B Sarode, Sachin D Narkhede, Vasimshaikh A Khatik and Sanjay B Attarde)and other papersReadership: Atmospheric scientists, meteorologists, climatologists, atmospheric chemists and physical oceanographers, astronomers, planetary scientists, geophysicists, and geologists.