The scope of this book will be focused on the interface issues and problems in organic materials as electronic device applications. The organic material electronics is a rapidly progressing field for potential applications in flexible field effect transistors, plastic solar cells, organic luminescent devices, etc.However, the performance of these organic devices is still not sufficient. To enhance the understanding and practical applications of organic devices, we need to understand the fundamental organic device physics which is somewhat different from the conventional inorganic device physics. This book will discuss the detailed progress in these topics.Contents:Nanoscale Interface:Introduction to Nanoscale Interface (M Iwamoto et al.)Analysis of Contact Resistance and Space-Charge Effects in Organic Field-Effect Transistors (M Weis et al.)Interface Control of Vertical-Type Ortanic Transistors (Y Watanabe & K Kudo)Electrochemical Properties of Self-Assembled Viologen Derivative and Its Application to Hydrogen Peroxide Detecting Sensor (D-Y Lee et al.)Zinc (II), Iridium (III) and Tin (IV) Complexes for Nanoscale OLED Devices (T D Hoanh & B-J Lee)Structure Optimization for High Efficiency White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (J H Seo et al.)Molecular Electronics:Statistical Analysis of Electronic Transport Properties of Alkanethiol Molecular Junctions (T-W Kim et al.)A Hysteric Current/Voltage Response of Redox-Active Ruthenium Complex Molecules in Self-Assembled Monolayers (K Seo et al.)Characteristics of Charge Transport and Electric Conduction in Viologen Self-Assembled Monolayers (N-S Lee et al.)Time-Averaged Deuterium NMR Studies of the Dynamic Properties for a Low Molar Mass Nematic (A Sugimura & G R Luckhust)Training and Fatigue of Conducting Polymer Artificial Muscles (K Kaneto)Polymer Electronics:Surface Plasmon Excitations and Emission Lights in Nanostructured Organic Films (K Kato)Morphology Control of Nanostructured Conjugated Polymer Films (M Onoda & K Tada)Way of Roll-to-Roll Printed 13.56 MHz Operated RFID Tags (M Jung et al.)Physical Vapor Deposition of Polymer Thin Films and Its Application to Organic Devices (H Usui)Nanoscale Bioelectronic Device Consisting of Biomolecules (J-W Choi et al.)Readership: Senior undergraduates, graduate students, academics and researchers in nanoelectronics.