Declassified documents arguably offer a premier vantage for understanding global governance, current security concerns, and the international market. While the first volume dealt with India-US bilateral relations during the 'Formative Years', this two-part volume focuses on the 'Later Years': the Lyndon B Johnson-Richard M Nixon years (1965-1972), a time when cold war politics had set in, and cold war alliances were evolving in both blocs. These selected documents are collected from the Presidential Libraries (Roosevelt-Carter), White House Papers, National Security Council, Office of Strategic Services, Central Intelligence Agency, and Foreign Relations archives.The two books examine the following topics chronologically: American Interests Abroad; US Foreign Economic Assistance in the Developing World: Market, Military, Geopolitics and Food; India's foreign policy; bilateral relations with the Soviet Union; bilateral relations with China and the 1962 war; bilateral relations with Pakistan and the 1965 war; US military aid; and India's Nuclear Program. This volume comprises seven chapters chart the course of Washington's increasing involvement in South Asia.