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Everything Guide to Stress Management
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Everything Guide to Stress Management
Author:Roberts Melissa (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Work, relationships, money worries. Is it any wonder that at least 75 percent of American adults find themselves stressed in any given month? This guide teaches you how to fight back by getting rid of unhealthy stress in your daily life, and how to keep it from coming back! You'll find novel approaches to stress management, including:Proven relaxation methods such as stretching and deep breathingAn included CD of guided meditations for relaxationInnovative recipes that utilize calming foods such as kiwiA step-by-step plan for lowering stress one day at a timePacked full of expert tips and techniques, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone whose life has them feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or just plain stressed-out!

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