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Syntax of Mauritian Creole
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Syntax of Mauritian Creole
Author:Syea Anand (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Creolelanguages have in recent years become a valuable source of data for currenttheories of syntax and theories of child/adult languageacquisition. However, grammars of these languages, particularly thosecouched within theoretical frameworks of one kind of another, are few and farbetween. This book contributes directly to creole linguistics by providing adetailed study of different aspects of the syntax of Mauritian creole withinthe theoretical framework of Principles and Parameters (Chomsky, 1981) andMinimalism (1995). It gives the reader a detailed account of the structureof this language and insight into the nature of creole languages, withimplications for current cartographic and minimalist thinking on the structureand derivation of phrases and clauses. It will appeal to researchers ofgrammar and syntax, language acquisition, contact linguistics andsociolinguistics.

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