Drawing upon thirty years work which took him to Madagascar, New Hebrides, Australia and New Caledonia, Joel Bonnemaison's work presents an original and refreshing alternative to the more traditional Anglo-American approach to cultural geography. Bonnemaison provides a true kind of anthro-geography as he explores questions around the geography of culture and the anthropology of space. With an introduction by John Agnew, Department Chair, Dept. of Geography, UCLA._x000D__x000D_'Bonnemaison's perspective is infinitely more interesting than most Anglo-American cultural geography.' - Professor Mike Hefferman, University of Nottingham_x000D__x000D_'A very stimulating introduction to cultural geography.' - Professor Paul Claval_x000D__x000D_The translation into English of Joel Bonnemaison's La Geographie Culturelle is a major event. In this gem of a book, Bonnemaison makes a powerful case for an entirely new form of cultural geography that helps us make sense of both Western and non-Western societies. - Mike Heffernan, Nottingham University