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Road to Writing
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Road to Writing
Author:Cowley Sue (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The Road to Writing takes early years practitioners on a journey; the journey youngchildren make when they learn their first words and make their first marks. Sue Cowley offers activities and practical advice to inspire practitioners totry a wide range of creative approaches to improve mark making in the earlyyears. There are ideas for building finger strength and eye-to-handcoordination, activities to help children to understand the concept of symbolsand signs, and strategies for building confidence in writing and reading. Youcan find your way through the book by following the signposts and you'll findplenty of interesting diversions along the way to develop children's key skillsand motivation. This accessible book includes bulleted lists,photographs of children writing and examples of early marks to illustrate howchildren's communication skills develop. Sue also gives tips on getting boysengaged in writing, and there is a companion website with downloadableresources and useful links. This book is an invaluable source of inspiration for all early years practitionersand parents of children aged 3-7.

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