Organizing Around Intelligence (2nd Edition) introduces a new mindset in leading, managing and structuring human organizations in the 21st Century. This paradigm shift is vital as humankind enters the intelligence era (the core of the knowledge economy). Focusing on nurturing highly intelligent human organizations (iCAS), the intelligent organization theory introduced in the book recounts the revelation and significance of intelligence management that concentrates on the human thinking systems and the orgmind. In addition to the basic concepts of CAS and the complex adaptive dynamics, several mind-stimulating concepts/models in the new perspective such as the integrated deliberate and emergent strategy, general information theory, 3C-OK interdependency framework, intelligent person model, paper dialogue and the intelligence leadership theory are also discussed. Understanding these intelligence-centric frameworks/models provides a better strategy for leading and managing highly intelligent human organizations and creates a more sustainable intelligence advantage.Contents:Introductory Topics:Entering the Intelligence EraThe New ParadigmFundamentals of Intelligent Organization TheoryIntelligent Biotic and Complex Adaptive Structure of Human OrganizationSpecialized Topics:The Human Thinking SystemBasic Intelligence Evolutionary Dynamic and the Intelligent Person ModelArtificial Intelligent Information Systems NetworkInterdependency: The Integrated 3C-OK Framework and the Higher Level Intelligence DynamicPaper Dialogue: An Effective Methodology for Nurturing Collective IntelligenceConcluding Topics:Intelligence Leadership and Intelligence Management TheoryTowards a Higher Order of ExistenceReadership: For all leaders and managers in all types of human organizations that would like to nurture a new mindset as well as researchers and academics in the complex adaptive domain.