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Complete Care Made Easy, Hamsters
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Автор: Penn Mark (EN)
Автор: McGrory Brian (EN)
Complete Care Made Easy, Hamsters
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Ever since hamsters arrived in the United States in the 1950s, they have topped the list as Americas favorite critter. Hailed as the ultimate pocket pet, hamsters are small, cute, fuzzy, clean, and easy to care for, in the words of author Virginia Parker Guidry. Filled with terrific color photographs, this Complete Care Made Easy Hamsters encapsulates all the virtues of these flawless little mammals and gives owners practical advice about how to better understand them and properly care for them. Deciding to add a hamster to ones household is the subject of the chapter The Right Choice, which discusses the virtues of these easy-to-tame childrens pets and the commitment they require.The chapter Locating a Healthy Hamster offers solid advice about selecting the right pet, where to purchase or adopt, and whether two (or three) is better than one. Two complete chapters on the hamsters homecoming offer the reader excellent advice about acclimating the new pet to the home, selecting the best cage, accessories, setting up the hamsters habitat, and finding a good vet.In Life with a Hamster, the author discusses the hamsters nocturnal nature, various physical behaviors, temperature requirements, handling, and basic husbandry. The hamsters feeding requirements are discussed in Dinnertime! which outlines the ideal diet of dry mix, fresh foods, and occasional treats. Sidebars about common poisonous items, including certain people food and household productions, are requisite reading for all hamster keepers. Preventive care is discussed in the chapter The Healthy Hamster, along with common health concerns (such as colds, wet tail, abscesses, etc.) and breeding. The final chapter Hamster Fun explores games, toys, activities, and showing. The appendix includes lists of clubs, organizations, and websites. Glossary of terms and index included.

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