Each year a large number of first rate articles on the physics and technology of semiconductor devices, written by Soviet experts in the field, are published. However, due to the lack of exchange and personal contact, most of these, unfortunately, are neglected by many scientists from the United States, Japan as well as Western Europe. Consequently, many important developments in semiconductor physics are missed by the Western world.This book is a serious attempt to bridge the gap between the Soviet and Western scientific communities. Most of all, it is an effort towards facilitating the communication and sharing of knowledge amongst people from different parts of the world. Ultimately, the aim is to contribute towards the building of a better world for all — one where the knowledge of advanced technology and scientific discoveries is used to improve the quality of life and not the pursuit of selfish mutually destructive behavior. For those in the field who wish to partake in this exchange of knowledge and as a gesture of support for their Soviet counterparts, the reading of this book provides the first step.Contents:Reviews (Yu Gal'perin)Semiconductor Theory (D Polyakov)Semiconductor Physics (E Ivchenko)Material Growth and Material Properties (R Suris)A3B5 Compound Semiconductor Devices (S Gurevich)Other Semiconductor Devices (M Levinshtein & V Dmitriev)and other papersReadership: Semiconductor physicists, condensed matter physicists and engineers.Key Features:Depth of coverage: the foundations of the subject are established in detail using mathematics familiar to Lie as well as modern readers. Logical deductions, and topics not treated in standard texts, e.g. symmetry in phase space, are presented with similar care. Derivations of the dynamical symmetries of specific systems are provided, and relations between them are established. The dynamical symmetries of Kepler motion are treated with unusual depth and thoroughnessUse of illustrations: “Dynamical Symmetry” emphasizes the role that geometric intuition can play in dynamics. Illustrations are abundantly used to depict geometric interpretations of mathematical relations, and to suggest further insightsBreadth of coverage: beginning with the nineteenth century work of Lie, the book develops the role of dynamical symmetry in classical mechanics, in quantum mechanics and its applications, and in relating relativistic mechanics to Maxwell's equations. The book provides a unified treatment of the role of continuous groups in these fields, one not available elsewhere