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Don't Despair
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Don't Despair
Author:Dalsgaard Matias (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Don't Despair is a moving epistolary novel about urban modern living. It recounts the story of a successful young overachiever, whose world collapses after his wife and child abandon him. The book consists of existential letters written from a Lutheran priest to his nephew. The letters include philosophical and theological reflections on why he believes life goes wrong for his nephew, and what it would take to get over this life crisis. In his book, Dalsgaard shows how Christianity at a psychological and existential level has a helpful message to the modern man. The book is a Lutheran-Kierkegaardian perspective on life, criticizing the modern perspective of being self-centered and ultimately despaired. The book, however, is not only a critique of a modern lifestyle and self-perception; it is a revelatory and helpful text. Don't Despair is written with the intention to help the modern person overcome despair, and find renewed joy and courage to exist.

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