The Mantis Force universe is set in a group of five galaxies known as the Quintastraya. Contained within this book is information on all things Mantis Force, ranging from the major powers and governments to the multitude of races, beings from other dimensions, significant epochs, and military infrastructures, as well as maps and sample illustrations of warriors and androids. Here's a sampling of what's inside: Illustrations of Drackabots and Guardian (House Skallakron) Vethmaga class Kohenru Description of the five realms of Creminmorta Description of the beings of Creminmorta Description of the Krauvmesh wars of Creminmorta Description of the kingdoms of Kravanoblus, a.k.a. the Tisrad Dragon Detailed outlines of the governances of the major powers, including the Marium Kahnet, Saurcine Order, Krauvajin sorcerer Guild, and many others Description of the Guardians of Light and their respective classes and ranks Description of the Vethmaga (Prophet Warrior class of Guardians of Light) Guardian military ship classes Illustrated maps of land masses and galaxy maps Excerpts from prophetic books Timeline of major epochsDiligently written by the creator of the Mantis Force universe, R. J. Amezcua, this landmark work of science fiction is a must-have for your Mantis Force library.